Manual Station Top stairs main entrance: Recommend replacing all of the manual pulls as most of them are getting worn out and the handles will not stay down when pulled. They do still go into alarm, but many of them will reset themselves. Total of 8 manual pulls. Can be replaced with Firelite conventional pulls. - This quote is for 8 Fire-lite BG12 pull stations installed and tested.
Fire Alarm Inspection Fire Lite MS-5 39 smokes 8 manual pulls 3 heats 6 horns aprox 29 horn/strobes
Semi-Annual Kitchen Hood Fire Suppression System Inspection (Ansul 6-gl)
Annual Fire Hose Inspection (2 hoses) Annual Exit/Emergency Lighting Inspection (20 units) Annual Fire Extinguisher Inspection (32)
Sam called in after he was notified by CMS about troubles on the system- Ed tried to troubleshoot with Kayla who was on site. Unable to help get it reset, service needed. Panel showing trouble on zone 3 . CMS showing tbl on zones 1-4 acct# FLV128777
Fire Alarm Inspeciton Fire Lite MS-4 39 smokes 8 manual pulls 3 heats 6 horns aprox 29 horn/strobes
false trip on second floor pulls/ smokes, Per Sam want service .
Fire Alarm Inspeciton Fire Lite MS-4 39 smokes 8 manual pulls 3 heats 6 horns aprox 29 horn/strobes
Fire Alarm Inspeciton Fire Lite MS-4 39 smokes 8 manual pulls 3 heats 6 horns aprox 29 horn/strobes
Fire Alarm Inspeciton Fire Lite MS-4 39 smokes 8 manual pulls 3 heats 6 horns aprox 29 horn/strobes