Hayley called and is requesting service . She stated that the fire alarm panel has 3 troubles . Zone disabled, zone 3 trouble, and system trouble . The would like scheduled service to come take a look.
Suggested for SD 1ST BEDROOM ON LEFT: Smoke detector in bedroom one has a broken back plate and, the head will not lock in place causing a zone one trouble and, not allowing anything in line after it to work. This detector should be replaced for proper operation.
Annual Fire Alarm Inspection (27 devices) Panel - Edwards EST 2X-3
Bi-annual Sensitivity Testing Use I 3 pen for levels. Annual Fire Alarm Inspection (27 devices) Panel - Edwards EST 2X-3
Bi-annual Sensitivity Testing Use I 3 pen for levels. Annual Fire Alarm Inspection (27 devices) Panel - Edwards EST 2X-3