2710 Northridge Dr. Suite #F
Grand Rapids, MI 49544

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for berrien center, mi

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for berrien center, mi

John  R.

John R. Job Checkin

Tyler H.

Tyler H. Job Checkin

Hayley called and is requesting service . She stated that the fire alarm panel has 3 troubles . Zone disabled, zone 3 trouble, and system trouble . The would like scheduled service to come take a look.

Mike R.

Mike R. Job Checkin

Suggested for SD 1ST BEDROOM ON LEFT: Smoke detector in bedroom one has a broken back plate and, the head will not lock in place causing a zone one trouble and, not allowing anything in line after it to work. This detector should be replaced for proper operation.

Tyler H.

Tyler H. Job Checkin

Annual Fire Alarm Inspection (27 devices) Panel - Edwards EST 2X-3

Mike R.

Mike R. Job Checkin

Bi-annual Sensitivity Testing Use I 3 pen for levels. Annual Fire Alarm Inspection (27 devices) Panel - Edwards EST 2X-3

Mike R.

Mike R. Job Checkin

Bi-annual Sensitivity Testing Use I 3 pen for levels. Annual Fire Alarm Inspection (27 devices) Panel - Edwards EST 2X-3