2710 Northridge Dr. Suite #F
Grand Rapids, MI 49544

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Local Reviews
for dewitt, mi

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 2 customer reviews

Super Friendly & Efficient

Had great service today. George was friendly, efficient, and helpful.

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Fast service!

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Job Locations
for dewitt, mi

Sean W.

Sean W. Job Checkin

George S.

George S. Job Checkin

John  R.

John R. Job Checkin

John  R.

John R. Job Checkin

John  R.

John R. Job Checkin

Art L.

Art L. Job Checkin

Annual Fire Extinguisher Inspection (4 FE)

Tyler H.

Tyler H. Job Checkin

**Commercial Fire Paperwork** Annual Fire Alarm Inspection

Tyler H.

Tyler H. Job Checkin

Customer would like a horn/strobe installed in the early preschool classroom right by the main entry. This will take about 150 to 200 ’ of 14/2 wire, a cut in box and a 24volt Gentex horn/strobe. Probably about 10 hours labor. (We can run from horn/strobe by the main entry door and it is drop ceiling all the way into the classroom where horn/strobe is needed) - repair A0185728

Sean W.

Sean W. Job Checkin

Mike R.

Mike R. Job Checkin

Comm fire ppwk- you have ONE HOUR - call for more time, if needed. Fire alarm in Tod1 needs to be fixed EPS needs a fire alarm installed.