2710 Northridge Dr. Suite #F
Grand Rapids, MI 49544

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Jim S.

Jim S.

Job Checkin

6/28 Ali called or service after getting our reminder letter. km 5/21/24 - Spoke with Mike. He will speak with the store location and will return our call. (JB) 5/1/24 - LVM for Mike. No answer on main number. (JB) 4/24/24 - sent email (JB) 2/29/24 left vM for Mike SM Kitchen Suppression and Portable Extinguishers Inspection Semi-Annual Kitchen Systems Inspections (Ansul 6gl) Annual Extinguisher Inspection ( 3 FEs ) Deficiency: Number of Systems failed : 1 Deficiency for Ansul R-102 6 Gallon Main hood: Exhaust fan shuts down during system actuation. Built in make up air does not shut down during system actuation. Electric 110v outlets under hood do not de energize upon system actuation.