1412 Greenwood Road
Weatherford, TX 76008

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jonathan.brockway@acgenius.com Job Checkin

I was here for super tuneup. I pour bleach down the drain line. Customer recently changed the filters. All amperageā€˜s were intolerance. Inducer motor looked good. Blower was a little dirty cleanedcondenser outside capacitor within tolerancerefrigerant in range

Zak L.

Zak L. Job Checkin

Arrived for service Eval Homeowner concerned about the Condenser holding water issue the base Sprayed out drain holes to let the Drains work properly Refrigerant levels Motors, capacitors and cost fine Quoted air quality improvements at homeowners request

Lisa M.

Lisa M. Job Checkin

Blake  B.

Blake B. Job Checkin

AC Repair. Tech arrived at a 45. Upon arrival the system was not receiving a call for cooling. The wires were evaluated and a wire was not connected. This wire was reconnected and the system regained functionality. The system was functioning upon departure.

Brock S.

Brock S. Job Checkin

Arrived for STU All components were working and in tolerance Recommended IAQ 200, blower clean, coil clean and pan strip Hard start was bad and replaced. Installed IAQ 200 System workin before I left.

Lisa M.

Lisa M. Job Checkin

Michael S. completed annual heating tune up.

Mike  S.

Mike S. Job Checkin

Tested all components all measured within ratings and specs. Refrigerant level is normal. Washed and cleaned condenser. Customer changed filter recently. Drain backed up recommended clearing and treating.

Brock S.

Brock S. Job Checkin

Upon arrival system was in working condition. Looking at the indoor unit all electrical connections and components are good. Blower and coil are clean. Drain lines had build up , cleared it. Recommended drain pan strip. Filter is clean. Uv bulb is out , recommended bulb replacement or uv upgrade. Heating components and safetys are good. Looking at the outdoor unit all electrical connections and components are good. Capacitor within tolerance. Amp draws are acceptable. Cleaned unit inside out. Opened up louvers of return grills because it was making noise. Customer is not happy with how much her electrical bills are coming out to be with this new system. Will talk with supervisor to see what we can do about it. Left system in working condition.