1412 Greenwood Road
Weatherford, TX 76008

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for ovilla, tx


adam.brockelman@acgenius.com Job Checkin

Arrived onsite customer had water under the hvac unit, found someone had tried to repair copper condensate line that was leaking at old repair. Cut out bad section and tested after repair. Everything working properly.


garrett.young@acgenius.com Job Checkin


Daniel S.

Daniel S. Job Checkin

Arrived for eval Customer stated that the indoor system was making a buzzing noise Checked the system and when I turned the system on The filter separators had gotten loose and were vibrating. Customer knows and will probably go to box filters. Customer refused to pay service fee

Daniel S.

Daniel S. Job Checkin

Arrived for STU All components were working and in tolerance Recommend IAQ 200, blower and coil clean, micro mist, UV bulb, compressor saver, April air upgrade and membership upgrade Customer denied recs right now but will think on it


Derek.bryant@acgenius.com Job Checkin

Dig area of water line up, repair pvc water main

Diego M.

Diego M. Job Checkin

Upon arrival system was in working condition. Looking at indoor unit all electrical connections and components are good. Blower is dirty , coil is clean. Filter was changed. Looking at the outdoor unit all electrical connections and components are good. Capacitor was out of tolerance and low , brought up to customer and replaced it under p&l. Refrigerant levels are acceptable. Amp draws are acceptable. Cleaned unit inside out. Lefts system in working condition.