1412 Greenwood Road
Weatherford, TX 76008

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for anna, tx


colby.finch@acgenius.com Job Checkin

On arrival thermostats were sending a w call to the zone board and it was not making it through the board. Recommended replacing board.


jonathan.brockway@acgenius.com Job Checkin

Performed a cooling tune up system have a Delta of 8°. The refrigerant is low system has some biological growth next to blower capacitor and tolerance poured white vinegar down drain line clean condenser and I leaked detect the evaporator coil and the condenser

Jose  G.

Jose G. Job Checkin

7/29/24 Set fan speed. Ryan will return to install DAT sensor.


colby.finch@acgenius.com Job Checkin

Returned and installed new txv. Once fully installed system ran and cooled with no issues. Low side sat temp no longer below 32, subcool at an 8. System running and cooling as I left.


colby.finch@acgenius.com Job Checkin

On arrival system running and cooling. Coil freezing but the system has a 10 degree subcool. Diagnosed this as a restricted txv, pausing the call to order parts.

Blake  B.

Blake B. Job Checkin

Tech arrived at a service call. Upon arrival, the customer mentioned that the coil was freezing. The refrigerant was within range. There were no observed restrictions. The dampers were in the open position. Management was contacted and the problem appears to be with the ductwork. The customer was informed of recommendations. He would like to speak with an engineer about upgrading the ductwork and improving airflow. He is only available today and the meeting is set for 2-8pm.

Blake  B.

Blake B. Job Checkin

Tech arrived at a warranty service call. Upon inspection, the heat pump was functioning but the heat strips were not coming on in heat pump mode. The thermostats were giving a call for auxiliary heat and the board was not passing it to the equipment side.

Jose M.

Jose M. Job Checkin

Costumer said he got 10% off, he showed me the contract saying the amount. Install 60k hz heat pump with standard filtration, replace (2) 14" zone dampers, reseal ducts