1412 Greenwood Road
Weatherford, TX 76008

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Justin  P.

Justin P.

Job Checkin

2010 American standard airhandler Checked and tightened all electrical connections Customer recently changed filters Drain was clear and draining Heatstrips were functional and within manufacture range Blower motor and wheel were acceptable Evaporator coil was acceptable Heavy amounts of biological growth inside airhandler 2010 American standard heatpump Checked and tightened all electrical connections Dual run capacitor was weak recommend replacing Primary electrical unit was acceptable Refrigerant levels were acceptable at this time Fan blades and motor were acceptable Condenser coil was acceptable Washed Condenser coil from inside out Cleared debris out of unit Waxed top of unit Recommended uv system for biological growth inside system, Auxiliary motor starter and compressor saver. Customer signed up for HBPPlan and agreed to replace Auxiliary motor starter