1412 Greenwood Road
Weatherford, TX 76008

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Job Checkin

For this heating tune-up I inspected the customer's furnace and condenser, all equipment was measuring within manufacturer specs and running well. I recommend the customer get a duct cleaning, since she has had a remodeling done on her home and there is construction dust within the system and in the ducts. She stated she has never had a duct cleaning done before and would like to get that done. Myself and Ryan took a look at the customer's electrical panel and hot water heater, the panel being 40 years old and the water heater being 18 years old. We found signs of tank compromisation on both heating elements, with corrosion on the outside and dark water and sediment build up when we opened up the cleanout. Due to the age and condition of the tank we recommend replacing the water heater with a new one so she does not have to worry about the tank failing and flooding her house. The customers electrical panel is original to the home and has a number of mismatched breakers.