For this heating tune-up I inspected the customer's air handler and condenser. I found a number of problems that need to be fixed inorder to keep the system functioning well. The blower capacitor was out of tolerance, and there is significant amounts of biological growth inside the system. The condenser fan motor is overamping which is indicative of failure in the future. Additionally the compressor was also pulling high running amps and sounded rough. We have added R-22 a few times now the customer stated, because there is a slow leak inside the system. The system is from 2008, and with the number of problems I found I think it would be in the customer's best interest to replace. I tested the system in cooling as well and was only getting 14⁰ of cooling, and 20⁰ is where it should be. My overall recommendation is complete system replacement and not repairing the system. This way the customer doesn't have to worry about anything failing for awhile.