For this heating tune-up I inspected the customer's air handler and condenser. At the air handler the heat strips were pulling 20 amps each. The customer was concerned because the blower was running non-stop even when the temperature was met, however would shut off when they turned the temperature down. At the condenser the dual run capacitor was out of tolerance and the contactor was buzzing and pitted indicating that that electromagnet could fail. If the capacitor gets too low then the compressor will not kick on to pump the refrigerant and the customer may not have heat or cold air depending on the season. I recommended to the customer at this point to not go with the repairs as investing more money in an old condenser does not really make sense as other components could fail and it would just be a compounding affect. The customers wanted to talk with a comfort advisor, and the appointment is set for tomorrow 25 January between 12:00 and 3:00.