1412 Greenwood Road
Weatherford, TX 76008

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Job Checkin

For this heating tune-up I inspected the customers upstairs and downstairs furnaces. Both systems are in rough shape and in dire need of replacement. Both blower capacitors are out of tolerance, the inducer motors are also over amping which can lead to those motors failing leaving the customers without heat. Additionally both systems flame sensors are extremely corroded which can also lead to that flame sensor not detecting a flame and shutting down the system. There is no water safety on either primary drain lines and there is quite a bit of rust and the secondary drain pans indicating the primary drain lines have clogged in the past and also dumped water into those pans. Both furnaces heat exchangers were extremely rusted which can compromise the integrity of the heat exchanger leading to CO gases getting into the home. My primary concern is carbon monoxide leaking into the home mixing with the Supply Air, because when I used my CO detector I was getting over 9 PPM, and the longer