1412 Greenwood Road
Weatherford, TX 76008

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michael.martinez@acgenius.com Job Checkin

Arrived for super tune up Washed condensor and tightened connections Filter replaced before arrival Delta is 17 Refrigerant is good Recommended capacitor and IAQ200 for biological growth System left on cool at exit

Mike R.

Mike R. Job Checkin

This is an r22 system it has low pressure and doesn't produce much cooling. I recommend he try to replace his old equipment. I do not carry any r22 or replacement gas.


adam.brockelman@acgenius.com Job Checkin

Customer got a notice from city saying his backflow device needs to be tested cleared. Customer will have to get ahold of a company that does backflow testing and certification and send certification to city once he has it. Customer denied service agreement said he used to be a home inspector and usually catches stuff when needed does not need a service agreement.


colby.finch@acgenius.com Job Checkin

On arrival the system was running and cooling producing a 19 degree delta. The indoor unit had a clean blower and coil and clear drain lines. The outdoor unit passed all electrical testing, the capacitor was out of tolerance and the compressor was overamping on startup. I recommended replacing the capacitor and adding a compressor saver kit to combat this issue but the customer is going to speak with his home warranty company about taking care of this. Thanks for choosing comfort experts and have a great day!


colby.finch@acgenius.com Job Checkin

On arrival the system ran and cooled as intended. The indoor unit had clear drain lines, a clean blower and a a slightly dirty coil. The unit produced a 19 degree delta. There was significant biological growth on the indoor unit. The outdoor unit was in good shape and passed all electrical tests. Thanks for choosing comfort experts and have a great day!