1412 Greenwood Road
Weatherford, TX 76008

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Ryan S.

Ryan S.

Job Checkin

For this eval I found that the 54 year Sylvania breaker panel is in extremely poor condition, breakers are loose, door is warped causing panel to be exposed to the elements, the panel is not secured properly to the wall. Sylvania breaker panels are on the list of panels that insurances will not cover in the case of a house fire. Customer needs to replace panel. Customers main reason for having me out tonight was for the air handler breaker tripping in heating. Found the 90 amp outdated disconnect box in the attic to have a burnt and charred breaker that sparks when touched and the air handler breakers to be warped and charred from loose connections. Customer chose to replace both the air handler breaker assembly and to upgrade the outdated disconnect. Will need to order materials and return