1412 Greenwood Road
Weatherford, TX 76008

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Job Checkin

For this evaluation I showed up to the customer's home and they stated the system had stopped working. Want to try turning the system on nothing happened, so I got in the attic and when I opened up the air handler the fuse was blown. I used my resettable fuse, turned off the thermostat and did the hopscotch method. From R-G and R-Y nothing happened however when I jumped R-O the fuse blew. I went to the condenser and unplug the solenoid on the reversing valve and went back up in the attic and tested R-O and nothing happened, indicating the reversing valve has failed and is what was causing the fuse to blow. With this system being from 2009 and being well out of manufacturer warranty I talked to the homeowner about the cost of the repair versus the cost of replacement and the amount of stress I can put on the system replacing a reversing valve. Customer would like to speak with a CA and appointment is set for 1pm tomorrow September 3rd.