1004 Saunders Ln
West Chester, PA 19380

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Wayne B.

Wayne B.

Job Checkin

Good morning, I was here today to complete your initial pest control inspection and service. I inspected the exterior of your property for termite activity or damage and rodent and pest entry points and activity. I used copper wire mesh to fill major rodent entry point found on side of the home. I inspected the basement crawlspaces and outdoor crawlspace for termite activity, none noted at this time. During an inspection, found evidence of severe mice infestation by way of large amounts of feces. Also found during inspection, yellow jackets, nesting, and motor bed next to front door. I placed two large rodent bait stations outside of your home for rodent control. I placed seven mouse stations inside your home. Two in the garage and, one in each crawlspace in the basement as well as two and the HVAC room. I applied a liquid non-repellent solution to the exterior foundation of your home to combat ants and other seasonal pest. I treated the yellow jackets nest with a liquid non-repellent