1004 Saunders Ln
West Chester, PA 19380

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Teres B.

Teres B. Job Checkin

Good afternoon today I was here for your pest initial service. I inspected your home for entry points which I noticed many around the radiators and also one behind your stove. I filled gaps with copper mesh. I placed multiple bait stations down, one by radiator in living room corner another behind dining room couch and one in the kitchen and another in backdoor area. I placed two on the top floor one in the master bedroom and another in the son’s room under radiator. I installed three termite monitors around your home. I installed an exterior bait station to further slow activity. Any further pest issues feel free to call the office. Thank you for choosing green pest solutions.

Mark A.

Mark A. Job Checkin

Good afternoon, my name is Mark and I’m sorry I missed you. I’m here to perform your Premium Pest Control Service. The service entails removing visible cobwebs around entryway, treating the exterior perimeter, window & door trim, the deck, (if there’s one) and eaves with a liquid residual application. This treatment will assist in controlling pests activity, such as, ants, boxelder bugs, centipedes, crickets, spiders, general pests, and stink bugs. Please allow two weeks to let the treatment have its full effectiveness. I couldn’t find the exterior bait station on the side of the house, so I replaced it and added another. There’s an exterior bait station on each side of the home. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the office for assistance. Thank you for choosing Green Pest Solutions and have a great day.