Good afternoon, I was here today to complete your initial pest control inspection and service. I inspected the exterior of your home for rodent or pest activity and for termite damage or activity. No termite damage or activity observed at this time. I inspected the interior of your home, including basement rafters for termite activity or damage and or pest activity or rodent activity. No termite activity or damage or pest or rodent activity observed at this time. I inspected the crawlspace underneath your home from the exterior. I found plenty of dead mice, as well as beat from previous pest control technicians from a different company. I searched the crawlspace for any obvious openings, none noted at this time. I install two mouse bait stations inside the crawlspace for rodent control. I placed for rodent bait stations outside of the home. One in front of the crawlspace, one underneath the side porch and one behind the HVAC unit on the opposite side of the house. I also put one next t