Good afternoon, today I completed your premium plus service. I started by installing your termite monitors. These will tell us to termites on the property. Next, I removed all visible webbing and hives from the exterior perimeter. I removed a very large hornet hive from the right side of the home. I also treated the rest of the exterior perimeter with a liquid residual solution that will help eliminate ants and all other seasonal insects and may arise. I also inspected the property for any exterior entry points. I did find one near your HVAC line. I sealed it up with copper mesh. On the interior, I treated the basement garage, kitchen and bathrooms with a liquid residual solution that will help eliminate any seasonal insects as they moved through the treated areas. I also put done glue boards in the unfinished areas. This will help catch and monitor any insects moving through the area. Lastly, I placed multiple ant bait stations on the kitchen counter to help eliminate the ants by feed