Hello good morning. It was a pleasure speaking with you guys today I completed your initial premium plus pest control service. I inspected the exterior foundation of your home also on the interior in the basement for any termite activity, but I have not noticed any at this time I installed four termite monitors on your property , we will be inspecting these at the quarterly services. I also inspected for any rodent entrances around the foundation of your home where I noticed and pointed out couple of rodent entrances that needs to be sealed off to help prevent rodents activities on the interior of your home, especially entering this for/winter season. I installed two exterior rodent control devices one underneath the front porch and one on the side of your home to help monitor/reduce rodent activity on the interior of your home. I also installed some interior my speed stations in the basement and also in the kitchen behind her appliance under the sink and also the pantry. I also appli