Good morning, it was nice meeting you today! I completed your quarterly service today. I inspected all interior bait stations in the attic. Due to heavy activity, I refilled them with fresh bait. On the exterior, I swept away any cobwebs I saw. I also inspected all termite monitoring stations and found no termite activity at this time. I checked the exterior rodent bait station as well. Due to light activity, I replenished it with fresh bait. I then treated the exterior perimeter of the home, as well as around doors, windows, and eaves with a liquid residual for general and seasonal pest activity. Please allow two to three weeks for full effect. I recommend trimming back any vegetation in direct contact with the house to at least a foot away, as this will help to prevent pest activity. If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call. Thank you for choosing Green Pest Solutions!