Good morning, I was here today to complete your initial pest control service and inspection. I inspected the exterior of your home for any termite activity or damage. No termite activity or damage noted at this time. I also inspected the exterior of your home for any pest or rodent activity or entry points. Two entry points were observed. One in front of garage was filled with copper wire mesh. The second possible entry point at the rear of the home was a pipe that was opened and it was filled with copper wire mesh to prevent rodent entry I inspected the interior of your home, including the basement garage and attic for termite activity or damage and pest or rodent activity. No termite activity observed on the interior at this time. I located two deceased mice on snap traps in the basement. They were removed. I installed three mouse bait stations in the basement along the top of walls, marked with blue tape. I also added mouse bait station in the attic above the garage and one in the g